How to get from Morehampton Guest House Dublin to the 3 Arena
This concert venue is located 6km from Morehampton Townhouse. We suggest that you leave the car and walk to St. Stephen's Green to catch the KBR shuttle bus to the 3 Arena. The shuttle bus stop is on the northside of St. Stephen's Green where the Dublin City Tour busses departs from.
The KBR shuttle bus timetable is below and it will take approximately 15 minutes to walk to the bus stop on St. Stephen's Green or alternatively you can take bus No10, 46A, 145 from Morehampton Road (which is just across the road) to St. Stephen's Green.
KBR Timetable
Departures from St. Stephen' Green to the o2/3 Arena Dublin.
18:00; 18:30; 19:00, 19:30.
The journey time is 20 minutes.
78 Morehampton Road
Dublin 4
+353 1 668 8866